In 1967 computer scientist Melvin Conway made an observation that came to be known as Conway’s Law.
Organizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.
Conway’s Law is why you often find rigid, silo’ed tables modeled into the data architecture of rigid companies with silo’ed business departments, or scrambled and unplanned relationships across software entities at bootstrap startups; code reflects the human environment in which it is developed.
Recently a post by a young developer caught my attention; this developer noted (rather snarkily) the contradiction between Python type hints and, by extension, Pydantic Python as an effectively strongly-typed version of the language, with the traditional Pythonic mantra of duck typing. The frustration was warranted, and sometimes it takes fresh eyes unaware of the historical context to call out a bad situation. The “Best Practices” of a programming language are not written in a vacuum by wise old neckbeards and then chiseled in a specification for all to obey; these practices are codified reflections of developer community behavior, in much the same way that Webster’s Dictionary reflects the evolution of English (and is not the root cause of that evolution). If the best practices of Python typing are becoming increasingly contradictory, it mirrors the increasingly contridictory nature in which the software development community approaches designing Python software - and this got me thinking.
What if Conway’s Law extrapolates beyond the walls of the office? What if, just as the DNA of an organization determines the ultimate shape of that organization’s applications, the social archetype held by humanity’s software developers determines the evolution of our programming languages? What if Python is changing in the same way that the people writing Python are changing?
Consider the appeal of dynamically typed languages and, by extension, the practice of duck typing, when Python 2.0 was released in the year 2000 1.
To the many proponents of dynamic languages at the time, dynamic typing was a flexible answer to the rigid structure and ide-bureaucracy found in statically typed languages. Your code no longer needed to declare what something was and be bound to that identity - it could start life as a str
and evolve to a list
or a dict
or maybe even a ProtcolConstructorElement
- it didn’t matter. Duck typing extends that lack of identity; it is unimportant what the thing is, and only important what the thing does. If an object needs a method convert_to_pdf
to get a job done, and it implements that method, then that object is qualified to do the job. If not, then the software must deal with the error of an unqualified object - or look for a different possible method such as the to_pdf
supported by other, also qualified objects. The point of duck typing in dynamic programming was to deal with the object’s ability, not the object’s identity - if it quacked, treat it like a duck.
If you share formative years with Python (a child of the 1980s-90s) you probably remember the phrase “be colorblind.” This was the overwhelming message in education and popular culture at the time, a message that considering an individual’s external identity, even seeing or acknowledging that identity, was morally wrong; that an individual must be judged solely by their words and, most importantly, actions, and by nothing else. I can attest with at least anecdotal evidence of how that message shaped how I view the world, by way of the most scientifically rigorous method - recounting a casual conversation I had last week at a party. The conversation landed on representation in media, as one young partygoer postulated that the tail end of the TV sitcom era was particularly awful at only telling one story - the white one. No one, myself included, gave protest. But then the conversation shifted to reminiscing about some of the shows we watched religiously as kids, and among my list:
- Hanging with Mister Cooper
- Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Family Matters
- Different Strokes (syndicated)
- the Cosby Show
I remembered watching Family Matters instead of Full House because Carl Winslow was much cooler than Danny Tanner. I remembered Mister Cooper was a relatable mentor, while the next-door neighbor in Boy Meets World was creepy. But earlier in the conversation it hadn’t occurred to me how much of my adolescent TV family was black. My mind hadn’t registered what they were, because that thinking was decidedly out of fashion at the time those memories were formed. Is the way I remembered those characters - by their actions and interfaces - really all that different from cringing when I see if isinstance(x, y):
in a Python codebase? The heyday of dynamically typed OOP languages like Python and Ruby coincided with societal pressure to “be colorblind” in a way that is hard to ignore.
Then consider the era that gave rise to TypeScript and Pydantic - the 2010s. After a decade of dynamically typed code, many developers were tired of “magic soup” - applications filled with cryptic round-about logic, side effects that were impossible to debug, and class names that looked like the author was in training for BBC Countdown. These developers craved the structure, order, and simplicity of pattern matching, and with that came the return of typing and functional programming.
TypeScript and Pydantic-based Python start every method with a single question: “What are you?” The identity of the object is the base for all proceeding business logic. It does not matter if the calling function invokes an update()
method which the object can fulfill, if the type does not match, the call will never execute. This confirmation of type occurs at every functional exchange in TypeScript and as much of the typed Python codebase as inherits from Pydantic.BaseModel
, effectively starting every transaction and sub-transaction with a declaration of identity. “As a ProductUpdateRequest
object, I have an update()
method I can execute for you.”
Around this time, we saw the emergence of identity-forward thinking in academic circles, politics, and business, and a growing importance placed on identity that has carried into society today. I think it is safe to assume that anyone reading this will have been around in the last ten or so years, and as such I will leave you to draw your parallels between the software and the burgeoning social norms regarding identity - you don’t need my party stories for that.
This observation is not an indictment of the static or dynamic typing language paradigms, both have strengths and weaknesses. For example, how often have you written this little gem in duck-typed Python and felt dirty after?
def standardize_args(arg:Iterable):
"""make arg safe to iterate on"""
if isinstance(arg, str):
return [arg]
return arg
“Accept either a string or a list of strings” is one of those times that duck typing just sucks. The most straightforward way to get this done is to pattern match object identity because both a str
and any other iterable will qualify for iteration- they can both “do the job” but the string will do it incorrectly, and you won’t know until it is too late.
Rigid typing, however, can create the potential for serious coupling. Consider this adapter interface:
class Interface(BaseModel):
adapter: XAdapter
With each new adapter you want to support, typing will need to be updated. When the adapter evolves and now has variations or child classes, typing will again need to be updated. If you want to support other interfaces as adapters (assuming they already implement the required signatures)… you guessed it, typing needs to change. None of the code ever changes in these examples, but the typing must be continuously updated.
class Interface(BaseModel):
adapter: (Union[XAdapter,
Type[ExternalInterface]) # this goes on, and on, and on...
Coupling like this begets more coupling, as a whitelist of types is just too tempting for a junior developer to resist. Why build agnostic interfaces when you can peek under the hood of specific adapters and hard-wire dependencies to their internals? This is a crack through which the spaghetti sneaks in.
The solution might be a future where we explicitly type either statically, or dynamically, based on which is the best tool for the job. Pydantic already supports a form of duck typing with generic type classes Iterable
, Callable
, Awaitable
, Hashable
; these types care not what a thing is, only what it does (sound familar?). Using typing.Any
in Pydantic Python feels as code-smelly as duck typing with isinstance()
- but what if correcting that feeling is as simple as aliasing Any
with DuckType
from typing import Any as DuckType
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Interface(BaseModel):
name: str
description: str
adapter: DuckType # I intend to duck-type this!
def send_message(self, message:str):
prepped_message = self.some_cool_pre_process(message)
except AttributeError as e:
raise ValueError("adapter must implement 'send_message', not implemented in adapter %s", self.adapter) from e
tells our PR reviewers (and future Us) to expect the duck typing, and call it out if that logic is missing. Maybe even in a way that the next wave of smarter linters can detect and declare “Where’s the duck!?!”
I lean pretty heavily towards Pydantic Python these days (and typed counterparts in other libraries like SQLAlchemy’s Mapped
), however, I believe it’s important that we are careful not to throw the duck-typed baby out with the untyped bathwater.
As for the sociology part, I am no expert in humanity. My bias towards colorblind thinking is hardcoded from youth in a way that makes it difficult (if not impossible) for me to see the moral appeal of identity typing, and I’ll leave it at that. But back to my purpose in this exploration - noting the similarity in the way we think and the way we program - it is hard to deny that the similarity is, at the very least, an interesting one.
1. Python as a language has been around since the late 1980s, however, Python 2+ is really where it begins to reflect what most would consider “modern Python” in a way that applies to the conversation